<body> music.piano.
THE pianist

The name is Jia Min
,gonna be 15 next year:D Born on the 27th March.Currently studying at AHS.

THE dreams

Get good results next year
Stay happy:D

THE music down the road
ahma & me
THE oldies

  • April 2009
  • May 2009
  • June 2009
  • October 2009
  • November 2009
  • January 2010
  • February 2010
  • March 2010
  • July 2010
  • August 2010
  • September 2010
  • December 2010
  • January 2011

  • THE sounds

    Tagboard :D

    THE creator

    Image by RubyPrincess. Other images by Google search.

    Wednesday, May 27, 2009

    Hi, it's me- Ah ma! Today ah, samantha & sherilyn crazy one...They keep on taking pictures. The reflection on us also take...aiyyyyyyy Then still ask me jump and shout 'ah ma & me!' Really crazy! OH MY GOD!!! I can't wait for the June holidays! Can go jolyn house da ping pang & go sherilyn house do project!(Although go jolyn house more fun, cos can play table tennis!) Wooooooo, Yeah! Yippe!Hooray!Yeah! June holidays, faster come!!!

    THE pianist played

    Wednesday, May 20, 2009

    hi everyone!!!Luckily no hw, or else sure dead one...cos today stay back 4 2h to do finish the chinese project...Ahhhhhh... so tired, got to go!(do the geog brocher loh)BYE! xoxos

    THE pianist played

    Saturday, May 16, 2009

    I also dunno y I will do the dare & forfeit, I think I gone crazy liao...Oh my god!!! I tell u all a secret, I will never do this when I'm in primary school, NEVER EVER!!! But, I 'jing ran 'do it... I can't believe it! Oh my god!

    THE pianist played

    Hi everyone, yesterday the class party soooo fun!!! But I soooo unlucky, I 'zhong ' all the games. Except dun forget the lyrics, but the last song 'wo bu pei', if they continue the game, jolyn sure pull me in one, then I really 'zhong' all! Oh my god, 'hai wo do' all those stupid things...Like a chicken making a fool. 'xing hao' sherilyn, samantha and jolyn never take video, cos I already made a fool when playing table tennis on thurs, u noe wat I meant hor(to the two s and jm)And then jolyn said her & me the inicials is JM, so we one team, and then sherilyn & samantha both names start with s, so they one team. Sherilyn, u spill the coke, I will never forget it...bye!bye!

    THE pianist played

    Tuesday, May 12, 2009

    Sooooooo fun 2day, I playing ping pang with sherilyn. So fun. We play ping pang while chanting our eng. things...Wow! Now I memerised all! If the ball dropped from the table, then we must restart again... Sherilyn always wo shou dao yi ban, jiu dropped the ball. Qi Si Ren!

    Btw, this is 4 sherilyn, samantha and jolyn only... I still a little bloated, u noe y right? U bloted or not?Ok, I think I'm crazy!

    THE pianist played

    Wednesday, May 6, 2009

    TOday I went to the dentist. SO scary! The dentist helped me polished and fill my teeth, take 1 hour leh! Samantha & Sherilyn so 'jiang yi qi', pei wo dao 5pm.Thanks ah, both of u!Not like priscilla, run away... Just kidding, I noe u have to go...But we go dentist soooo long, then we never do our project... Priscilla, so Friday stay back,ok? Bye, I go online!

    THE pianist played

    Tuesday, May 5, 2009

    No interesting thingy to talk these days, so boring... so I will not be writing my blog so often, I spent my time da ping pang. I luv ping pang, its sooooooooo funI LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    THE pianist played

    Monday, May 4, 2009

    Hooray!!! Today no PE! I can't believe it! Anyway, there's nothing much to talk about today. Eh? NOoooooo... Got, the eng essay. OMG, I overshot the no. of words!!! HOW? DIE LEH!!! Nvm, it is over already, hope I can get high marks. Hope u all can get high marks too!

    Jia Min

    THE pianist played