<body> music.piano.
THE pianist

The name is Jia Min
,gonna be 15 next year:D Born on the 27th March.Currently studying at AHS.

THE dreams

Get good results next year
Stay happy:D

THE music down the road
ahma & me
THE oldies

  • April 2009
  • May 2009
  • June 2009
  • October 2009
  • November 2009
  • January 2010
  • February 2010
  • March 2010
  • July 2010
  • August 2010
  • September 2010
  • December 2010
  • January 2011

  • THE sounds

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    THE creator

    Image by RubyPrincess. Other images by Google search.

    Monday, March 22, 2010

    5 MORE DAYS TO MY BIRTHDAY!!! YIPPEE!!!I'm going buy a huge cake!!! haha! 2moro got maths test...wat the... dunno how to study 4 it... Just went shopping with sherilyn to buy presents for jolyn and valerie!!! walk so much...then eat 1 for 1 ice cream!!! so yummy!!!yeah, going to be 14 years old!!!

    THE pianist played

    Friday, March 19, 2010

    yesterday, we were suppose to have our class bbq, but it rained!!!and that ruin all our plans! actually, abt 20 ppl wre suppose to come, but then half of them didn't came cos of the rain,so left 10 ppl, 4 girls and 6 boys.then cos very late and still raining, we decided to use the class fund to enjoy ourselves!!!Whoo!!!we went arcade 1st, but not use the class fund, some one paid 4 it, dunno who???
    after that,we went eat dinner, 2 girls left us, leaving only me and samantha( I mean my class that samantha, not u noe the sam) with all the boys. but nvm, there's free dinner!so we went pasta mania and ordered pizza!!! we order 5 pizza and some drinks, then u noe the bill how much???more than 100 leh!!! OMG!!!then the boys said nvm nvm, just order, so who cares?

    then we go back to arcade, after deciding where to go..
    .kbox, too ex, not enough $$
    watch movie, alice in wonderland--2.45 am!!!! wat the hell!!! so late!
    ecape theme park,only 2 hours left to play!!!
    even more worse--wild wild wet??? wat kind of suggestion is that? it's damn freezing cold and u wanna go there? wa lao leh!
    ok, then zh said he has some kind of 1 for 1 voucher, so we use his voucher, that means every one got to pay $5. but neh, cos only 2 girls so the boys said they pay for us, so in the end the card inside got more than $40!!! but very son all used up!!!haha!!! so actually, for the whole trip, I didn't fork out a single cent!!!haha!FOC!!! actually we wanted to go bowling, but wat the, it was 9 plus alr, then there was like 37 ppl in queue!!!OMG!!! who would wanna w8 so long??? damn long the queue, so we go home lor! so tired when I got home...but it was fun... and some more free!!!

    THE pianist played

    Wednesday, March 17, 2010

    this whole holiday, I am damn busy!!! have so much holiday hw,then nid do sci and homeec project,somemore 2moro nid go cca for the whole day, then got bbq at night. the following day neh, got bbq again,for the class... I dunno how to do so much hw...aiy... I thought I could enjoy the hols byt neh, so packed!!!the teacher give so much hw, dun even let us relax for 1 week...now i'm doing my e'learning as I blog...haha, I can multitask!!! I'm so clever!!!

    THE pianist played

    Thursday, March 11, 2010

    today, I got my results for term 1...
    so sad... I thought I would like improve, but actually I deproved, by a lot!!!OMG!!!
    Eng: B3(sama sama, average)
    Hcl: B3( improve by 1 band)
    Sci A1(yippee, so happy 4 this, I reached my target!)
    Maths: B3( expected, dun think I can score very well)
    Hist: E8( wa lao lwh! fail the 1 and only test!)
    E.lit: E8(stupid beautiful flower)
    Art: B3(ok lar, cos I hate art)
    my average 60. ?? %, 2nd last in class... the teacher wanna call my parents... die man, I also dunno y I could got that kind of results... even ppl like xu cheng & kenzi & the other naughty boys got higher than me... 2nd last in class leh... I really wonder who is the last... he or she must be damn sad...

    THE pianist played

    Wednesday, March 10, 2010

    oh I forgot sth, my class today play wacko, and then all the boys saboe me leh! wat the hell!!! every time also 'jiamin'! I was hit 6 times!!!OMG!!! then 3 times nid do forfeit, then I 6 times mah, then must do 2x forfeit!!! wat the !!! the whole class was like cheering me on u noe, asking me to do this and do that! This makes me remind of the class party we had at 1a... the one I also do a lot of funny things... I really wonder why every time I would be the 'entertainer'... do I look like one> but anyway, I enjoyed the games...haha, ridiculous rite?

    THE pianist played

    hey ahs ppl, I think the this time history test easier than the last time wan. maybe is cos this time I got study, so I hope not to fail... the last time I failed...

    today damn freaking leh, I after sch rushed to cca, eat so kan choing, then in the end, meet my senior half & hour ltr, then the vice-pres said no cca!!! waste my time leh!!!

    today I cannot finished my home econs mind map on time, then I have to complete it during 2moro recess. will deduct 2 marks... so wat leh! give us so little time!

    u noe, I got 82 for my art test, the storyboarding wan!!!yippee! I thought I would just get like 60 70 plus, but I got an A1 instead!!! OMG!!!

    I think for this semester, I will fail history and e. lit... so sad... can't pass all subjects... nvm, jia yous!!! I noe I am crazy, talking to myself, but I like it mah, cannot meh! haha! hope I pass 2moro's direct & inverse proportional test...praying very hard at the moment, cos dun noe how to study for it... but sam would be telling me the questions... so... I also dunno... but anyway thx sam! love u so much! must rmb

    THE pianist played

    Monday, March 8, 2010

    finally, there's sth for me to be happy about!!!I passed my english compre and chinese test!!! so happy that I got A for chinese test!!!OMG! I can't believe that, I thought I would fail!!!

    I pray really hard that I would pass 2moro's history test... or else, that will be the 7th test I fail this term... freaking rite? I hope I pass or my subjects for this term. I think I will end up with a D8 for history for term 1, cos I failed the 1 and only test!!! stupid rite? I think the sch really really should have more than 1 history test...

    Today, I took the freaky SPA test... OMG, I burnt the copper sulphate solution and got some powderish thinghy at the end. Then the teacher was like ' aiy yoyo...'' the face. so wat leh. stupid copper sulphate. but luckily not only me burnt it, hui lin & shi yun also!!! haha, then I not so pai seh

    U noe, I really can't stand it anymore! I'm going to go crazy one day!!! Maths lesson makes me so stressed!!! ppl wil go to the teacher there and say '' cher, I sure got hand up! but the maths rep nvr tick! not my fault!'' then not his fault, then my fault ah! everything also blame on me. ALways say I nvr collect, but I write on the board so BIG they also nvr see. so damn freaking idiotic ppl! then every time somebody blames things on me, then the boys will like '' oh hor... bad maths rep...''' wa lao leh, they so clever they go be maths rep lor! everytime only noe how to complain. even if wan change maths rep, no one would want to be mah.. maybe not, but that's wat I think so...

    I sometimes missed the days we had during sec 1s... the days we live happily...without stressed...

    Next week then holiday already!!! so happy!!!at last can have 'no tests' days!!!I can enjoy the holidays!!! without STRESS!!! Yippee!

    this entry is written from my own com, not during cca leh. is i tou tou use wan... I always tou tou do things... habit already, cos this one cannot that one cannot, so who cares?

    THE pianist played

    Wednesday, March 3, 2010

    I don't think anyone would see this... cos it has been so long...when I wrote on my blog...I use to enjoy sec 1 times...but now....test and test...u noe, last week we even heve 6 test... I feel so STRESSED!!!

    THE pianist played